Page 13 of 365: Good Reads.

Hello there my fellow bloggers! How's everything going? Does 2013 treat you right so far? I hope it is and we may all have a wonderful, amazing and fun year. :) Anyway, this year I promised to myself that I won't have any unread books in my shelf. I'll make sure that every book that I will start to read I hold on to it till the end. I will also give less time to the dramas of social networks like Facebook and Twitter but rather give more time to things that really make sense. :) ( Oh is it really me whose talking? !) So, I made a list of books I want to read and be part of my reading habits everyday for 2013. I have three in my mind right now, but I think I'll add more to it till the end of this post. My first goal to read is THE FAULT IN OUR STARS by John Green. I've been hearing and reading good reviews about this book. Since I read Looking for Alaska by the same author, right there I know that I am got the right guy. :) I just start readi...