
Showing posts from December, 2011

Emotional Disaster.

This was my Emo-days. I was able to retrieve this from my old files. I can't believe that I said too much! And I am a weapon of massive consumption and its not my fault its how I’m program to function I am staring at a blank page, hoping that words might somehow visit me. It’s like a decade since the last time that I write something like this. Why is this happening? I can’t create something worth blogging for.   There’s something wrong here… or should I say there is something wrong with me. I keep chasing pavements. Thinking of the career I chose makes me look like a shrink while others are savoring their time on the path that I should have taken also. I’m not the person like before where words are just toys that I can play. Now, it’s hard for me to decipher things. So I was thinking, maybe I’m really not born for this. Maybe I am entitled to do something more than this. I want it to be more… more… more than this. I don’t want something less ‘coz it’s for losers. And I’m not o

2011 Christmas Gifts... So far!

Christmas is the season of giving either material things or not. But for me, the most especial gifts are LOVE and HAPPINESS. Sharing it with people I love the most... family and friends. :)  So I took the time to share some gifts I received from my office mates last Saturday. It doesn't matter if its big or not, as the famous cliche goes, its the thought that counts. :) Photo frame from Sup Vinz. 2012 Chinese Calendar from Sir Jet. Spongebob Pillow from Demi. Papemelroti from Sup Evelyn. Cellphone Keychain from my co-Peer Coach Winnie. :) Starbucks Mug from my mother Arzen. ;)) and Photo holder with magnet from OM Sir Steve. :p I really appreciate small stuffs as long as it comes from the heart. :) I really had an awesome 2011 (just don't ask about the lovelife part! haha). This doens't end here. I am still open for gifts! LOLs  Happy Holidays everyone!! Cheers! ^__^

A Date to Remember: 12.13.11

Hello there!  Wow! This is actually weird for me. Its been a while that I haven't write anything or a blog. For the past years, I was pre-occupied by my passion for photography. I forgot that I actually took Journalism in college. But I still know that this is my "thing". I know that I love writing when I was in high school then photography comes in when I was in College. Doing both really excites me! I love to take picture of people around especially the pale faces. :) I can say that my inspiration to go back to blogging are Saab Magalona  and Bianca Gonzales . I found their blogs entertaining but yet very personalize. They just don't rant through their blogs. Like Saab, she actually uses it to promote social awareness campaigns, programs for youth and of course what I like the most, the contest she's doing for her readers. That's really cool noh! And also, though it can't be avoided since they are public figures, from time to time they promote prod